
In the framework of the bEU Project we plan to develop and organise a nationwide roadshow to 8 high schools in less developed regions of Hungary with a thematic workshop for students. Reaching 30 high school students at each high school. 

High school students in less developed regions are more away from the core activities of a university professor, but crucial targets in order to ensure the full inclusivity of the project. High school students are very important targets for the universities since they will later become university students. Additionally, the identity of this age group (14-18) is still in the process of identity-formation. During the implementation of the JM chair project, 8 high schools are going to be reached through the roadshow. Later, medium and long term, it is planned to approach other schools in Hungary and abroad (by establishing cross border networks as well) and build a dense network of 25+ high school students who ready to discuss and debate strategic issues of Europe.